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      Ozonator Generator
      This category of Ozonator Gnerator offers well designed systems in various models with different specifications. This kind of systems needs to be operated safely in the higher setting in head to head room to generate ozone.
      Ozone Monitor
      As the name of the category Ozone Monitor suggests that all the systems offered here are applied for various ozone observing and control applications. It is an electric system is used to measure the ozone at ground level.
      Water Treatment Plants
      Offered Water Treatment Plants are extensively installed in various places for the consumption of pure, safe and fit for use water. These are used to remove the smell and weird taste of water. 
      Effluent Treatment Plants
      Installation of the Effluent Treatment Plants helps in the well being of environment. These remove the toxic and harmful elements from waste water and release the treated water on the transfer site.  

      Nitrogen Gas Plants
      Finest grade of Nitrogen Gas Plants can be installed in various industrial sectors which is consist of two of absorber loaded CMS. These gas pumps do not need fuel and can be easily availed in different models.
      UV Treatment System
      UV Treatment System is used to purify water and air, because ultra violet radiations are highly effective on viruses and bacteria. This kind of system can be easily installed in different places for treating water and air.
      PSA Oxygen Gas Plant
      Offered PSA Oxygen Gas Plant is widely installed in various industrial sectors to produce pure industrial and medical oxygen. Rugged construction of the available gas plant elevates its shelf life and it can be availed in different specifications.
      Pressure Boosting System
      This Pressure Boosting System is especially designed to built the low weight in water framework for the purpose of boosting pressure. This highly effective system helps in the mining, water systems.

      Reverse Osmosis Plants
      These Reverse Osmosis Plants are extensively utilized to reduce salts and pollutions through semi porous layer in these easily installable plants.  Such plants can turn the tap water, harsh water into fit water.
      Water Softeners
      As per the name, Water Softeners are extensively used to evacuate the minerals to soften the harden waters. These softeners make fit and pure water for drinking and also enable the cleaning of dish sets.
      Dosing Pumps
      Offered Dosing Pumps are extremely suitable for little or large volumes in various Ph alteration and flocculation. These pumps are able to remove all types of toxic, radioactive and inflammable materials out of it.
      Gas Generator
      We are here offering high quality gas generators that are suitable for fulfilling high power requirements and are offered by us in various specifications like nitrogen and oxygen.